What is causing your pain?
Neuromuscular recovery begins with an accurate dignaosis.
Numbness and tingling: diabetic neuropathy, or CIDP?
Wrist pain: carpal tunnel syndrome or cervical radiculopathy?
Muscle weakness: peripheral neuropathy or myositis?
Led by our neuromuscular specialist, Sharique Ansari, MD, our clinic provides consults (myopathy, neuropathy, ALS, and other disorders, EMG/nerve conduction studies (with or without consultation), skin biopsies for diagnosis of small fiber neuropathy, and an infusion suite for IVIG.
Dr. Ansari is ABEM Board Certified in neuromuscular and electrodiagnostic medicine. Our technologists are all certified by the American board of Electrodianostic Medicine.
Learn more about electrodiagnostic testing
Learn more about neuromuscular testing